The isolation of social-distancing and quarantines caused many to feel trapped or alone. Many worried that they were losing connections because they were unable to participate socially in the same way as others around them. They also often had to miss events or gatherings, causing them to feel guilt and regret. Because participants needed to limit their in-person social interactions, the desire for physical connection with individuals outside of one's home was significant. Conversely, individuals who were sheltering-in-place with people and were unable to have outlets outside of the home often longed for privacy and some alone time.
Longing: I miss going outside and feeling whatever the weather is first hand. I miss the sun on my face, wind in my hair, the cushion of the air, the sounds, the smells. I find so much comfort in nature, even in city nature. Making peace with the idea that while I COULD go outside and walk around, I actually really SHOULD NOT due to my compromised immune system and low b-cell count. This is something I do daily, multiple times a day even. I push back this curtain and look outside and people watch (when there is anyone walking by) or just look at the sky and think that someday I will be able to go outside -really go outside and not just for a short walk- again soon.

Empty Plans: I took this photo because earlier this year I had plans I could mark out and look forward to, instead of empty time without a solid end date. I also included my computer because that's the only way I'm able to connect with others right now. The car keys are there because I'm not able to go anywhere right now, I'm stuck where I'm at right now just waiting for this all to be over someday.

A Lazy Day on the Couch: Living alone with just my puppy for company. The monotony and the loneliness makes me just want to curl up with my pillows and forget the world. Thereare days I don't see the point in getting out of bed. Because really... same small apartment, same thing every day without variation. It feels like all I do is:get up, cook, clean, computer, repeat.

Lonely Easter: This was the next door neighbors socially distanced Bunny to wave to their child. I was able to watch from my deck. Easter is a time I usually spend withfamily in Upstate Pennsylvania. I live by myself, so these isolating days are very difficult..