"Noise: I took this picture with motion because it's hard to find time for yourself on quarantine. I'm home with my family because I can't work and it's a loud house with everyone home. I'm used to be home alone during the day, but now it's a full house all the time and I'm trying to find time for myself in the midst of it all."
“Capturing Wellbeing While Immunocompromised: A photo-elicitation study”
Laura Sinko PhD, RN, Samira Rajabi PhD, & Raina Merchant, MD MS
In this study, we asked individuals who self-identified as having compromised immune systems to respond to the following prompts:
1. Please take two photographs that showcase what has changed in your home, routine, or physical environment as an immunocompromised person during the COVID-19 pandemic.
2.Please take two photographs that highlight your emotional experience thus far while processing, coping, or maintaining your physical or mental health during this time.
3.Please go through your previously saved photographs and select two that you have taken while sheltering-in-place prior to engaging with this study that represent some additional facet of your experience whether physical or emotional.
Participants were asked to upload and tell the stories behind their photographs prior to responding to five general reflection questions along with some demographic and COVID-related items. The purpose of this was to learn more about the wellness and distress experiences of individuals who are at high risk for COVID disease transmission, while also learning how we can better support these individuals going forward.