Often much of the anxiety related to the rapidly occurring life changes that came with COVID-19 related to the ability to acquire supplies to either manage one's immune compromised state as well as to protect oneself and one's family against the pandemic. These images highlight the way participants were spending time, energy, or resources acquiring, managing, or worrying about supplies needed to maintain health and sanitation practices during COVID 19. In addition, concerns about every day supplies not related to illness or immune-compromised state.
Face Masks for All: This is what I do with my time now. Make masks. I donated the first 200 I made. Now I sell them for $5. Very calming and makes me Happy
Face Masks for All: This is what I do with my time now. Make masks. I donated the first 200 I made. Now I sell them for $5. Very calming and makes me Happy
Hand Sanitizer Please: I have hand sanitizer sitting at my front door as well. If I have to leave the house I always make sure to sanitize leaving and entering. Hand sanitizer ishard to come by, so not only do I have those by the door, but I have a full tub of homemade sanitizer accessible. My fiancé is an essential worker so Imake sure he sanitizes in the morning when he leave as sanitizes as soon as he gets home in the evening.
Hand Sanitizer Please: I have hand sanitizer sitting at my front door as well. If I have to leave the house I always make sure to sanitize leaving and entering. Hand sanitizer ishard to come by, so not only do I have those by the door, but I have a full tub of homemade sanitizer accessible. My fiancé is an essential worker so Imake sure he sanitizes in the morning when he leave as sanitizes as soon as he gets home in the evening.
Twice Daily, Temp Checks: With RA I often feel feverish. I purchased this thermometer to tell in an instant if it's my normal low grade or a fever. This thermometer does not leave the kitchen counter and all family members can use it as it's temporal.
Twice Daily, Temp Checks: With RA I often feel feverish. I purchased this thermometer to tell in an instant if it's my normal low grade or a fever. This thermometer does not leave the kitchen counter and all family members can use it as it's temporal.
Protection Now Needed: My younger sister made my husband and me two masks each. We bought a few others. It is still hard to wear them comfortably. I wear hearing aids and not all masks fit
Protection Now Needed: My younger sister made my husband and me two masks each. We bought a few others. It is still hard to wear them comfortably. I wear hearing aids and not all masks fit
Supply Shortage: I suffer from a lot of chronic illnesses and rare disease, including (but not limited to) cardiovascular failure, auto immune disease and well as having a PORTACATH! I have masks and gloves sitting at the front door as a reminder not to leave the house without it. Even if I am just going to take my dog outside, I always make sure to be super cautious even exiting my front door!
Supply Shortage: I suffer from a lot of chronic illnesses and rare disease, including (but not limited to) cardiovascular failure, auto immune disease and well as having a PORTACATH! I have masks and gloves sitting at the front door as a reminder not to leave the house without it. Even if I am just going to take my dog outside, I always make sure to be super cautious even exiting my front door!
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